Pengalaman Resolve Limited Access PayPal

Gak ada ba bi bu, tau-tau Account PayPal-ku dimasukkan dalam status limited access oleh admin-nya. Sehingga, aku gak bisa ngapa-ngapain dengan account tersebut; gak bisa transfer, gak bisa transaksi, apalagi withdraw. Tapi aku masih bisa terima bayaran dari klien2 ku. Tapi tetep aja aku bingung dan pusing dibuatnya karena jumlah saldo terus bertambah tapi gak bisa diambil.

Beberapa kali admin PayPal kirim email ke aku untuk restore. Aku pun melakukan apa yang diminta melalui "Resolution center". Aku diminta untuk upload ID. Sukses. Tapi saat diminta link and confirm credit cardku, gak bisa-bisa. Kurang lebih dua bulan status limited access itu berlangsung.

Dari hari ke hari aku terus mencoba meresolve limited access tersebut hingga aku pun frustrasi dibuatnya. Alhamdulillah aku ketemu mbak Palupi, yang kutahu melalui forum, yang dengan baik hati membantu menjadi tempat aku bertanya banyak hal tentang PayPal.
Atas advisnya juga aku pun tak berhenti mengirim email ke admin PayPal. Tapi, tanggapannya tetap gak memuaskan karena selalu autoresponder yang nanggepin.
*Contoh Tanggapan PayPal atas email2ku:
    Dear mcdamas,
    We apologize but we are unable to respond to inquiries sent to this
    e-mail address. Your e-mail was routed to an unmonitored mailbox and as
    such will not be reviewed.
    To resolve account limitations, please complete the following steps:
    1. Log in to your PayPal account.
    2. Click Resolution Center at the top of the page.
    3. Go to the Action column.
    4. Click the "Resolve" button and complete the requested steps on each
    lifting requirement outlined.
    After we have gathered the necessary information, your account will be
    reviewed for reinstatement and you will be notified by email of our
    Thank you for choosing PayPal.
Aku pun semakin frustrasi dibuatnya karena tetap aja saran yang diberikan tidak jalan. Hingga akhirnya aku dikasih daftar alamat-alamat email PayPal yang bisa aku kirimin sehingga aku dapat tanggapan yang serius. Maka, aku tulis email komplain yang nadanya agak keras, menuruti saran Om Greeny.
*Email Komplainku:
Dear PayPal staff,

I have recently been in trouble with my account "limited" status. It informs me to add my credit card to resolve it. But, every time I try to do so that is to link and add my credit card, it always does not work properly. I am afraid my account is not only limited but locked as well. Why sir?

One reason why I decided to use PayPal for my online transaction account was because PayPal is reliable. Hence, I also recommend PayPal for use by all my friends and partners. But, with this kind of trouble, I find it embarrassing to realize what I did recommending PayPal. It is so unclear and time consuming just to lift up a "limited account" status. It seems that PayPal staff have no sense of urgency in helping the clients. The responses to my emails are just autorespondedly.

Through this email (the 7th email I have sent to PayPal so far) I expect that you could help me solve this problem promptly. To be frank, I get frustrated with this problem because of having no clue what I must do due to the repeated failures in linking and confirming my credit card.

Please sir, help me please by reviewing or analyzing what has been wrong actually with my account.

Thank you,

Eeee... baru dua hari setelah aku kirim email tersebut, Account PayPalku langsung direstore menjadi normal dan bisa diakses lagi.
*Email pemberitahuan kalo account-ku udah normal lagi:
    Dear mcdamas,
    Our review is complete and we have restored your account.
    We appreciate your patience and thank you for your help in making PayPal
    the safest and most trusted online payment solution.

Dasar... Paypal, rupanya harus dikerasin baru nanggepin. After all, thanks God my account is back to normal standing again.
Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bahasa inggrisnya keren :D